
Some of my twitter pals know that I’ve been creating a new book from the angst that was 2020.

Personally, I’m #SAD to see her go, 2020 = Seeing Clearly. I had such hopes for this year. But, as I write in the book, and say in the promo, it’s our karma. American values, like pride and greed, created this mess we’re in, not the fun-to-write and view 2020. Such symmetry. I really want to share some of the book NOW given that “We’re all grappling with everything” (as the byline goes), and expecting the turn of a calendar page to fix it?

So, try looking up. Both literally and further up the page. Tilting your head back and smiling will truly make you feel better. So will many of the energy practices I share in the first section of my book, #grappling. This PDF will have to do until we finish editing and publish on Amazon. Please provide some feedback below… that’s all I ask.

200 THOUSAND Dead…

By the middle of September TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND Americans will have died from #COVID19 complications. Some health experts, and those who monitor US deaths, claim the death toll is higher not less as Trump Cult claims.
My previous post (below) written 2.29.2020 marked the first US Covid death. Now we know that a month earlier (late January 2020) Trump had been briefed on how deadly and severe the pandemic might become. There is audio (from renowned reporter/editor Bob Woodward, not a deep fake) that he would “play it down.” Trump did not want to “panic” Americans. HA!

Continue reading

But HE’s so fun…

I shudder at the crowds the so-called potus (can’t cap and can’t call him the “P” word) is drawing to his re-election rallies.  I won’t call him “president” EVER because he stole the 2016 election, and if Republicans had a backbone he’d be long gone now.

Over time it’s become obvious how he did it; a combination of #DirtyTricks, Roger Stone’s forte (aka for-tay), combined with standard GoP <Repub> voter suppression, confusion, chaos, and of course, Russian assistance. And, the other factor: “he’s so fun” as the Cult claims.

Maybe that’s the biggest problem. MAGA Cult is unable to differentiate between the old TV show (The Apprentice) and actual experience / ability to run the country.  NOW, with the #COVID-19  crisis, maybe they’ll get a clue. As MAGA continue to gather in huge stadiums, possibly infecting each other with their hacking and spitting, this will become a pandemic in the good ole USA.  That’s what happens when communicable disease runs amok.

There is no reliable or accessible test yet for this strain of “corona virus” which is a type of respiratory infection; partly because Dear Leader has spent more time mocking the virus than learning about it.  And, thanks to his real-life re-enactment of “JAWS mentality” (reference to the greedy, foolish major who wouldn’t close the beach on July 4th… as portrayed here):

Trump delayed acting on the virus because he didn’t want to “spook the stock market.”  Yet, look what happened anyway the last week of February; DOW Jones biggest point drop and sharpest turn around in investor confidence since the Great Recession crash (caused by W.)  Yeah, heck of a job, Donnie. Not to mention calling it a HOAX at one of his “fun” political rallies.

So, now here we are. The first death attributed to the virus in America reported today (2.29) with who knows how many to come.  No test, much less an antidote or vaccine.  No you can’t “drink bleach” or hose yourself down with Lysol… as some Alt-R sites claim.  But, if you have enough sense to truly wash your hands properly (with soap) FREQUENTLY– literally every time you touch surfaces, substances, or others– we can slow down the contagion while professionals work to save us — something Donald Trump will never have a clue how to do.  But, yeah, “he’s so fun!”

Dance, watch a movie, get high (safely) or whatever you do for FUN, but we need a real President… and a blue Senate, too!

What I’ve learned from Lev

    If you haven’t heard of Lev Parnas yet, then I suggest you watch this brief clip from Brian Williams 11th Hour MSNBC program (aired Friday, Jan 17, 2020.)

Why does Lev matter? He’s providing a roadmap to many “high crimes” and who is caught up in them.  People didn’t want to believe Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen after he was arrested either, but these guys were “insiders” and truly know where all the dirt and skeletons reside.

We were hearing about Rudy Guiliani and his associates “Lev & Igor” on MSNBC last fall before their October arrests.  And, a New York crime reporter reminds us:

  • Fox TV host Sean Hannity was Michael Cohen’s “Client 3.” (#1 was Trump and #2 was Elliott Broidy, an RNC finance chair.)
  • Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman claimed they had traveled to Vienna (before their arrest) to assist with Hannity’s interview with Ukrainian ex-prosecutor Viktor Shokin. 

Important because Trump World tries to discredit people who were once key figures.  Continue reading


(quote originally from Jenni @SimpleReminders)  It’s a good one.

Christians may disagree, claiming a Savior is the answer, but Buddha’s enlightenment was that we control our minds and stabilize our practice of beneficial behavior. Only then can we avoid the whip-saw of destructive emotions.

I know this, so why am I still grappling and “hate tweeting”? Like all addictions, habits are extremely difficult to change, even when we know they are harming us and others. Continue reading