the Basement Project

This could be REALLY good!  Stay tuned…


Have you seen the Disney+ movie “Soul”?  That type of animation, or perhaps the 2020 video game Animal Crossing
(screenshot above) or more here:
If you’d rather WATCH game action than read about it or play, here’s a walk thru (I picked starting point with good overview):    (this is long, so just check out the intro, to get an idea.)

I still like my Journey game.  This “explanation” has spoilers, but you can watch long enough to get an idea of the beauty of it:
Here’s the review that “hooked me”:
here’s a full walk thru:

So where are the “scripts”?  They’re coming…  meanwhile read some in #grappling
FYI, JN / JC  this is just a page on my ZiaLink site.  But it could be anything, hopefully a PORTAL for a brand new adventure, soon!

Also, check out this #grappling promo:  Mine (1st Zen Zoom) and the latest by Tony  “President Show”   Atamanuik   —->>>>  (on a PC, look to the right) and click to watch his promo for my eBook.  On a phone or tablet? Scroll down…

ShortCutGrappling2020    BTW, stop using my site.  I have code sniffers on you now! 

More CONTENT coming soon.   til then,  Zen Zoom over and out.

"before" for those who know
Thanks RoomRater for 10/10